I would like to arrang delivery of a christmas rose arrangement/plant is ths possible
14 Dec, 2009
Think Crocus online will do this for you.
15 Dec, 2009
~ if you want to buy it and have it delivered y the seller, try Thompson and Morgan,(silk Hellebore) Marks and Spencer,Next ~ Tesco etc depending on whether you want a Hellebore or a Rose?~ Ashwoods and Farmyard nurseries grow beautiful Hellebore plants but would not send them in an arrangement.
I take it you want it delivered in the UK?
FLoraselect are selling 4 1.5 Litres pots for £25 and will deliver but check out for an arrangement in a card!
15 Dec, 2009
Previous question
try parcelg2go or Hermes> www.parcel2go~Arlene
14 Dec, 2009