Florida, United States
when should fronds be cut off - lower than 3-9 o'clock ?
On plant
Bismarckia nobilis
- 14 Dec, 2009
I don't know the plant (just googled it) but I would think you'd just cut off the old leaves as and when they fade?
15 Dec, 2009
you can cutt it up to 45 degree but thats really cutting it tight if you can just remove old yellowing fronds. it looks nicer and dosent stress the plant (11to1 o'clock)
16 Dec, 2009
Previous question
this is just the clockray methord of giving positions, another way would be half way, or betwen quarter past and quarter too as you look at the plant, the lower part of the plant. we are gardners not solders !
14 Dec, 2009