Unidentified House Plant
By Curvyblonde
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
I just bought this plant and haven't a clue what it is or how to care for it. Could you please identify it and offer some advice?
Kindest Regards

15 Dec, 2009
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house plants
Chris, think it's Dieffenbachia 'Sterling'..
plant family - Araceae
Now you can google this name and get some info as for this plant's treatment...
15 Dec, 2009
Uma, thanks for that - just googled and that's the one. Poisonous eh! Nobody mentioned that at the shop!
15 Dec, 2009
Well, they wouldn't, would they! Just take care if you get any sap on your hands - wash them at once.
15 Dec, 2009
and obvioulsy dont eat any of it :o)
15 Dec, 2009
Kinda looks poisenous doesn't it....
15 Dec, 2009
Glad you have answers. Don't you think Spritz that shops should be legally obliged to state that a plant is poisonous, or hazardous in any way? It always takes a fight to get businesses to abide by common sense rules.
16 Dec, 2009
Thanks for all your replies. I've sent an email to the head office of the store regarding this issue pointing out that it would be helpful and safer if they included some consumer information with the plant and supplied some more detailed info to their staff. One of the staff had described it as a 'Lettered Lily' (?).
I also attached a data sheet on the Dieffenbachia Sterling.
16 Dec, 2009
Maybe we all should initiate a campaign.
16 Dec, 2009
That sounds like a good idea, but how and where to start??
17 Dec, 2009
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Wow - I haven't seen one of those before - look at those white stems! I don't know what it is, but it is reiminiscent of a wishbone plant - I wonder if it could be a new variety?
15 Dec, 2009