How to Grow Poinsettias
By balcony
How to Grow Poinsettias
Poinsettia plants (Euphorbia pulcherrima) remain one of the most popular holiday flowers. The familiar red blooms have been joined by even flashier colours. Actually, they are not flowers but modified leaves called bracts. The bright bracts are designed to attract insects to the tiny yellow flowers in their centres. Hybridizers have expanded the range of colours from the familiar red to pastel yellow and vibrant bicolours. Because poinsettias have been forced into bloom, they need some extra care to keep them in bloom throughout the holidays. While it may be easier to buy new plants each year, it is possible to get them to rebloom the next season.
How to Grow Poinsettias
You can keep your Poinsettia healthy and vigorous throughout the holiday season with the right care. Give them enough sun, warmth, and water and your Poinsettia will provide perfect seasonal colour. If you want to save your Poinsettia and bring it to bloom again next year, you can follow the repotting and reblooming procedure.
All the above info was copied & pasted from The Spruce
I’ve done this a couple of times most notably when I lived in Spain where I got a plant to grow & flower for few years in a row. Except I didn’t know about the pinching out of the new shoots & as a consequence my plant became too tall & lanky & didn’t look at all nice. Another thing is that the bracts, the modified leaves that give them their colour, will only be about half as big – if you’re lucky!
Here is what my Poinsettia from above looked like in March 2018:
And this is what it looked like in November 2018:
For anyone that may be interested I wrote a blog on my Poinsettias a couple of years ago.
11 Dec, 2019
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Apparently in the Canary Isles they grow somewhat similarly.
12 Dec, 2019
I have tried in the past to keep them and get them to rebloom but without any success at all. I think it is difficult in this country to provide them with the necessary conditions.
I have seen cream coloured ones and think I prefer those. I find the bright red ones rather garish and harsh on the eyes, even though that is their natural colour.
12 Dec, 2019
I agree with you Hywel. I don't grow them now, although I have in the past. I did read that they cannot tolerate any sudden changes of temperature. And this is very hard to avoid in the UK! I'm not sure where you would be able to keep them warm enough through the night either, unless you keep your heat up very high. And on top of that, unless you have a conservatory (kept very warm), you'd struggle to provide enough light.
13 Dec, 2019
When I lived in Tenerife you could see them at the side of the road as small trees. At this time of year the roadsides were a blaze of red.
14 Dec, 2019
Interesting info, Balcony, thanks.
I’ve grown to like poinsettias as I’ve gotten older.
15 Dec, 2019
I am not overly keen on Pointsettias but they were one of my Mum's favourite plants so I like to have one at home for Christmas. I have tried to keep them going too but failed miserably. Like you, Hywel, I think I prefer the cream ones but not enough to try to put in the effort needed to keep them going form one year to the next any more. I take my hat off to anyone who has done so with any degree of success!
15 Dec, 2019
There is a real science to it. Everything is strictly regulated so that they bloom in time for Christmas.
16 Dec, 2019
"There is a real science to it", as you say, Bathgate, but anyone can do it at home! Of course they are VERY unlikely to look like the original plant. Apart from in Spain, I've done it here in the UK as well.
If anyone gives me one for Christmas I might well do the same again - but with a better looking final plant now that I know better what to do. If I do I will document it & put it in a blog in a year's time! :D :D :D
16 Dec, 2019
There are times when I wish we could post photos in comments too, and this is one of those moments ... I spotted some tiny pointsettias on sale in Sainsburys recently, a single stemmed bract. Despite knowing I was unlikely to be able to keep it going far into 2020 I bought one in my dear Mum's memory. I hope it will respond well to my care, my fingers are crossed, and shall watch out for your post with interest Balcony ;-)
22 Dec, 2019
At the present moment it doesn't look like I'll be getting one - unless I buy it myself! I've also seen these tiny ones in Sainsburys but I don't think I'll be getting one.
One thing I didn't mention was that I put my plant inside a black plastic rubbish bin bag. Then tied the top in a loose knot & put it in the cupboard in our hallway. It's the darkest & coolest place in our flat (well it was until we put our old fridge in there after we bought a new one. The door on the old one threatened to fall off at any moment, which it did in fact do one day, it came off in my hand, but fortunately didn't fall to the floor, intercepting my toes in the process! We have since put a 2nd hand one in there in place of the other. An overflow fridge is very useful!)
22 Dec, 2019
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Very interesting! I was amazed to see how big they can grow. In Mexico, they can grow to a small tree and glorious when in bloom.
12 Dec, 2019