By Gossy
United Kingdom
i've searched for a large corner shaped terracotta pot without success. it can be either flat at the front or curved (preferable), to fit a balcony corner. the idea is for planting up 1 standard and 1 dwarf bush rose in it. do they even exist?
19 Dec, 2009
thanks for the reply
yes, basically a square cut along the diagonal. if it doesn't taper down like a normal pot i figure it shoud be ok...well, that's my theory
19 Dec, 2009
Have you looked at some of the sectional wooden planters two or three could be put together to create a triangular effect. Cliffo is right that a triangular terracotta pot is not going to have a lot of space for soil and therefore plants.
19 Dec, 2009
As an alternative you could try two rectangular planters in the corner.
19 Dec, 2009
thanks for the replies. i think you're all right...i shall rethink on a plan b...
19 Dec, 2009
The only one I could find was at who do a wooden corner one - 0800 157 7264.
But a square pot will fit in a corner if you turn it?
19 Dec, 2009
thanks drc
19 Dec, 2009
my local garden center have loads of squir and oblong planters, that do not taper, and they are terracotta, but they have realy nice ones of stone, that look grate befor they are even planted , I surgest 'have a look around some of the bigger garden centers,
19 Dec, 2009
just been to my garden center and had a look at the planters ,there were all sorts large and small round squir ovel taperd strate, just as an example there is one there in york stone three foot longe by a foot wide by just over a foot deep,it had the english rose carved on all four sides,that was 43.99, but they had them in diferent stone with smooth surfes to rock like, deep ones and different depth, you would have been spoilt for choise ,I would give you their adress but the cartage for things that heavy would be a heck of a lot,
21 Dec, 2009
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there are people that will make any shape you want,(at a price ) is it imposable to put a squir one there, or if it is a case of catching your leg as you pass it then a round one,you must rember that you are almost cuting a squar in half, which will serverly decrease the room for root's, I surjest ,have another think,
19 Dec, 2009