By Tulsalady26
United Kingdom
Not a gardening question , but what has happened to all the guests that were around before christmas.?
29 Dec, 2009
Maybe they'll be back once Christmas and the New Year are over???
29 Dec, 2009
Thankyou MG there seemed to be so many, but since christmas i haven't seen any.
29 Dec, 2009
Sorry spritz posted at the same time.Did you notice as well??
29 Dec, 2009
I think quite a few also became members.
29 Dec, 2009
We'll have to wait and see, won't we! I agree - there are fewer.
29 Dec, 2009
Perhaps not a bad thing as some members give extensive informative replies and hear nothing back costs nothing to join Goy so if cant be bothered to join why give them the benefit of your experience ?
30 Dec, 2009
Cos I'm lovely, kind, wonderful, helpful, generous, in fact an altogether soft and daft so-and-so, really, Bb. LOL.
30 Dec, 2009
Yes Spritz......we know.. xx.... lol.....:-))))
30 Dec, 2009
And so say all of us LOL.
30 Dec, 2009
and arent we glad of it spritz :o))
30 Dec, 2009
I will leave them to you then Spritz ! So much nicer to leave them to you than Mr.Grumpy ! Lol
30 Dec, 2009
We are still getting Guests everyday... just less of them. I think many have realised if they want proper info they need to join GoY
29 Dec, 2009