By Klahanie
I was looking around this website to see how many members the GOY group has but if it is here I cannot locate it.
Did I miss it? Sorry for this not being a gardening question.
9 Jan, 2013
If you go to the tab at the top of the page labelled members.
Where it has a column for 'newest members' at the bottom you can select browse all our members.
There is in excess of 3500 pages with 10 members on each page so in theory that would be 35000 members.
Obviously those who have you register to ask a question or members who are no longer active are included.
So really only registered members rather than active members.
I know it's probably not the answer you are looking for but it's the best I could come up with :))
10 Jan, 2013
Hi Moon-growe. I could not see how to find out either.
Thank you Scottish, I have seen the "newest members" column. But did not look beyond that. But now I will.
10 Jan, 2013
Hi Klahanie.
Including me that now makes...well, quite a lot.
Did you ever find out how many?
10 Mar, 2013
No. I did not Mouldy. Nobody seems to know how to find out.
10 Mar, 2013
Have you tried the 'contact us' section at the bottom of the page?
Maybe worth a try.
12 Mar, 2013
:-) I think I lost interest Mouldy.
12 Mar, 2013
For me it does not matter :-)
12 Mar, 2013
No idea, and so far as I know there isn't a way to find out...
9 Jan, 2013