By Neilgrime
United Kingdom
Need help and ideas. I have an area in my front garden, which I will be adding flowers and shrubs. I need a centre shrub to stand out as the main focus. Would like it to flower from spring til winter and the front of my home is north facing has sun in te mornings and shade all afternoon
Please send ideas and pictures if possible
12 Jan, 2013
Hi. Thanks I would love too see pictures. I live in the uk so your weather is prob much better than mine. They sound like something I would like. Are you new to gardening?
13 Jan, 2013
You're not asking for much then !!!!
Most shrubs have a fairly short flowering period.....maybe 4 - 6 weeks. Some are longer but off the top of my head, i can't actually think of any shrub which flowers from spring to winter....especially on a north facing aspect.
So you might have to think a little bit outside the box and go for something with nice foliage colour instead.
The pyrecantha mentioned above would be a great choice but they flower in may for a short period then you have nothing until the berries colour up in the autumn.....they're also very thorny.
Maybe you could look at a nice big Phormium as a centre piece.....lots of colours to choose from. A Fatsia japonica varigata would be another good choice as would Choisya ternata 'sundance' which would give a nice bright splash of yellow to a dull, sunless area.
Good luck
13 Jan, 2013
I agree with's a very tall order..and you don't say how big your planting area is, to allow for roots to spread .as they will take up a lot of the area in time,if it is on the small side,..which would restrict any other plants you want to have there..If it's a decent size,you have more choices..but I don't think a Pyracantha would be suitable either..they prefer to grow against a wall and do their own would have to keep it well trimmed,and probably at the expense at flowers or berries..As suggested,a Choisya 'Sundance' for a splash of all round colour would be good,or maybe a Euonymous 'Emerald and gold.'.both slow growing, easy maintenance, evergreen..and a good backdrop for other plants...If you scroll down to the bottom,you will see on a letter,and it will take you to a selection of plants from members gardens,with relevant information....and it may help you with your choices..good luck,and welcome to GoY..
13 Jan, 2013
Really appreciate the advice people. I am new to gardening so I have learnt something about shrubs. I will have alook at the sundance as the area is a decent size that I will be planting up.
13 Jan, 2013
Nip over to Gordon Riggs in Walsden/Todmorden. They are usually reasonably priced and have a good selection of plants.
13 Jan, 2013
Thanks it's not too far from me.
13 Jan, 2013
We like it there too..and the plants are always in good condition..extra bonus,,their cafe across the road,or the Pub next door for bar meals..always good for a day out :o)
I buy their own mix of seed compost etc,much cheaper than well known brands,,and in smaller quantity's if you don't need a big bag..well worth the petrol to drive there..
13 Jan, 2013
Thanks for that I will defo have a drive over there in feb. will spend a load I bet haha have you any suggestions for a main shrub???
13 Jan, 2013
Hi and welcome to Goy Neil and Jomichelle
I would go for a varigated Rhodendrum as you have the foliage all year and then the flowers when they bloom .
And a Japanese Cherry Kojo no mai you can get smaller ones but the foliage is stunning and so are the blooms.
Good luck in what you choose.
13 Jan, 2013
Viburnum 'tinus' is very long flowering and evergreen, but is probably too big.
I'd recommend Nandina, as the leaves are very pretty all year, and it has white flowers followed by red berries in summer.
Scotkat's idea of Cherry (Prunus 'kojo no mai') is a good one too.
13 Jan, 2013
My Prunus is now covered in snow
13 Jan, 2013
what about Fuschia, skimmia, Euonomus,or waht about some of the beautiful grasses that can be very tall for your focal point Stipa etc. evergreen hebe is also a possiblity.
13 Jan, 2013
Loads of ideas guys, I am going to head to the garden centre and pick afew of the plants suggested. There area is about 10ft by 5ft so I am looking for a great plants and evergreens
13 Jan, 2013
If you decode to go for a enonymus, I'd recommend 'Silver Queen'. The variegation is a warm cream (not cold white as with 'Emerald Gaiety') and the new growth is yellow before it ages. When it has got to a decent size, you could let clematis 'Arabella' (purple flowers) ramble through it, as it's not too vigorous and flowers for weeks and weeks.
I have this combination on my own garden.
13 Jan, 2013
andrewr do you have apicture as i like the idea too combine
13 Jan, 2013
I would love a shrub or perennial that bloomed from spring to winter.
Interesting question. I Googled it and got the following -
Spiraea japonica
Hamamelis mollis
None of these actually flower all year but they do flower for fairly long periods of time.
Without resorting to Google my own choice would be a variety of Rose.
14 Jan, 2013
If Andrew doesn't have a pic of ' Silver Queen'Euonymous,,there are some on 'my photo's..let me know if you want to look,and I will give you the page numbers..I'm sure he will is a nice variety too..:o)
14 Jan, 2013
I'm slightly confused - you say the area is about 10 x 5 feet, and you want a stand out shrub in the 'centre'. Is the 10 x 5 area all going to be planted, or is there some lawn or paving or gravel or something in there too? I'd also ask whether the measured 10 x 5 is running across the house, i.e., its only five feet deep from the house to the street, but ten feet wide, or that it runs for ten feet in length towards the street and is five feet wide.
14 Jan, 2013
Here are a couple of photos:
14 Jan, 2013
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« Need help and ideas. I have an area in my front garden, which I will be adding flowers...
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Hello, I live in San Diego, Calif. I just (today) became a member. I have a similar garden that I am replanting as well. I have pyrocantha bushes, they are very colorful, bright red berries, the birds love them (NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION) and white flowers part of the year. It is fast growing and can be grown up a wall. Mine are freestanding bushes. I LOVE these bushes and have had them for years. Very low maintainence needed, just trimming and shaping if you'd like. Just watch out for the thorns. I have pictures if you'd like to see them. GOOD LUCK, you are my first contact, I am new to this type of garden club, hope I am doing it correctly!
13 Jan, 2013