By Roger
United Kingdom
I hope that someone can tell me why the leaves keep falling from my Poinsettia which I bought 2 or 3 weeks before christmas, I water it a couple of times a week and it is in a warm room
18 Jan, 2013
probably too wet.
18 Jan, 2013
And possibly too warm.
18 Jan, 2013
Poinsettia's are notoriously difficult to keep going, I now treat them as a short term plant and accept the leaves will fall off in January and it will head for the compost.
18 Jan, 2013
Thanks all for your advice I will do as you suggest
18 Jan, 2013
Mine are already there, MG!
18 Jan, 2013
I bought 2 before Christmas, only water a little once a week, room is cool - draughty- and one is fine the other has gone all limp and is on its way out, has the self desrtuct set up for January I think.
18 Jan, 2013
When I was in the florist trade and one had dried out we would plunge it into a bucket of water and leave till the bubbles stopped, then took it out and let it drain for a while, if you keep it too wet it will drop its leaves, best to let it be on the dryish side before watering it. Hope this is some use to you.
18 Jan, 2013
Yup mine too Gattina. Lady Essex and just how well did those poinsettia's survive once sold in wonder...
18 Jan, 2013
I tend to forget to water mine , loses leaves a bit but still has plenty, it will be out as soon as it looks bald....
19 Jan, 2013
Moon grower, No body ever bought there's back or complained, we had a notice in the florist that all plants that anyone had a problem with could bring it back and have a full refund, the owner had a good name in the town and it is still going. I plunge mine and it's doing fine and it was a cheap one from Lidl too.
25 Jan, 2013
Fair enough Lady Essex
25 Jan, 2013
Mines gone just today, this cold snap did it I think
26 Jan, 2013
Sorry I have not got a lot of time this am but do read my blog of 3rd December 'Will the real Poinsettia please stand up'. You might be able to work out what is going wrong.
18 Jan, 2013