By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
Not a Gardening Question
Just wonder how your weather was today....
We had spring like weather here reached 10c, had car window open and wasn't cold, hope it stays with us here in Leigh-on-Sea.
Hope I haven't spoken too soon LOL
27 Jan, 2013
Forest of Dean :
Started wet. Sun for a while. Grey cloud gathered and more rain.
On the bright side, most of the snow has been washed away.
28 Jan, 2013
Happy to say no more snow has arrived and a thaw on but so very icy underfoot.
Yesterdays was grey sky and did not look so good but got up to 3deg.
Saturday Sunny and blue sky so much so made a new blog of our snowy walk.
But now time to access the garden damage by weight of snow.
28 Jan, 2013
east yorkshire, rain in the night, strong thaw, garden emerging from the snow at last. warm ish at 8 c but blowing a proper hooley.
28 Jan, 2013
Just away to investigate my skimmia in front garden as its had more than 2ft of snow on it.
28 Jan, 2013
Another nice day here, 8.30am and sun is a shining plus its dry it's supposed to reach Temp 8c, we'll have more of that I hope :o)
28 Jan, 2013
Skimmia has survived but my Corylopsis sadly has got broken branches.
Its such an icy cold wind though .
28 Jan, 2013
Rain :o)
We did have some snow the week before last, but not very much, and it didn't last long. I was glad, because it makes me feel depressed.
I hope you have fair weather in Essex ...
28 Jan, 2013
Cloudy here in Somerset, and yet more rain to come. I'm afraid there's a flood warning out...we had a hail storm last night, but the last of the snow has gone.
28 Jan, 2013
Quite a nice, sunny day yesterday, not exactly warm, but snow was melting a bit. There's still a lot of it around, and you don't drive unless you really have to. Last night clear and frosty. Today grey, cold and snowing hard again! 6° forecast for tomorrow, so looking forward to that, but nighttime temperatures very cold, still. Could you send us some of your warmer weather, please?
28 Jan, 2013
Cold wind, grey and wet here. All the snow had gone by midnight on Saturday, but there wasn't a great deal left. The house feels a lot warmer!
28 Jan, 2013
Here the thaw has started.... temps around +5 C, but still a lot of snow and ice laying around where the sun didn´t catch it.
28 Jan, 2013
We had Temps of 14c here, shame the sun didn't come out though, ground is so soggy.
29 Jan, 2013
Still loads of snow around, but today in the sunshine we got 19°, and even higher predicted tomorrow. More snow forecast for the weekend, though. Everywhere VERY muddy and mucky.
29 Jan, 2013
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Wet and windy, slight frost tonight (last night?)
28 Jan, 2013