By Talitha1031
East Sussex,
United Kingdom
Has anyone grown or seen the following climbing roses. Blue Moon, Waltz time and Indigoletta (Azubis)? I am trying to decide between them and want to find out the differences in colour, bloom size, profusion, flowering period and disease resistance. The site is S/W facing trellis fence, thanks in advance
29 Jan, 2013
Thanks Bamboo
29 Jan, 2013
I used to grow blue moon and agree with Bamboo!Also they didn't flower for very long.
29 Jan, 2013
Thanks Freeasabird, I'll rule out Blue moon, I might plant one each of the others either side of Dancing queen which is brightish pink, so it would go Mauve - Pink -Mauve (different shade) would that look ok?
29 Jan, 2013
Also would New Dawn go well with a well established Wisteria over an arbour? The Wisteria is gorgeous when it's flowering but its all over by the end of May and I want something else that will flower later without them choking each other.
29 Jan, 2013
Ooh, dear, that's a tough one for me to answer! First, to take your question at face value, yes, New Dawn's flowers are a very pale pink and will look well with lilac wisteria flowers, if they happen to flower at the same time some years. However, unless you are rigorously training and pruning your wisteria frequently, it will swamp anything else you plant in with it - Wisteria's height and spread is around 30 feet...
30 Jan, 2013
I've got 'Rhapsody in Blue' which is a big shrub rose, I bought it as it fades to different shade. As it's new, I'm not sure how it'll fare for me yet...
4 Feb, 2013
The Wisteria is pretty well established, it stays within the confines of the arbour/pergola because it has nowhere else to go, maybe a late flowering clematis could cope but it would be tricky to prune. Still not sure about the roses, has anyone got Dancing Queen? How would you describe the shade of pink?
5 Feb, 2013
I can't comment on Waltz Time and Indigoletta, but I have a comment to make on the Blue Moon - the climbing version produces similar flowers, and unless you particularly like a sort of faded, depressing mauvish pink, I'd choose something else.
29 Jan, 2013