By David
Tiger Lily.
Can anyone tell me what a "Tiger Lily" really is? I have seen it listed as North American wildflower/ Asiatic/Oriental lily/ orange daylily (Hemerocallis, which are not true lillies)Very confusing!!
4 Jan, 2010
It's the problem of using 'common names' again, David. Tiger Lily obviously means different things to different people. To me it is an orange turks cap lily, the one that leaves a splodge of orange pollen on the end of your nose when you sniff it.
4 Jan, 2010
To me, as well. Do you remember last summer I had one in a batch of other Lilies? Some people thought it was beautiful - I was not so keen, to be honest!
it has orange flowers with brown spots on them. The petals curl up at the ends. Ring any bells? Oh, and it was tall, too - up to about 4'6".
4 Jan, 2010
Many Thanks for your replies.
Yes, Bernie, I have seen both L. lancifolium and H. fulva (or orange daylily) classed as "Tiger" lily, which is where my confusion began, lol!
You are correct, of course, Mr MB! And the various classifications given for "Turk's Cap" lily make even more confusing reading. Have seen it as L. superbum, L. martagon, and also L. lancifolium (tigrinum splendens) !!
Yes, Spritz, I remember your Turk's Cap lily, because I'd also grown them one year. Mine was called "henryii", as a matter of interest, haha!!
Thank You all again - seems like I could be spoiled for choice with this one. :-)
4 Jan, 2010
'Turks Cap' is the name given to a group of lilies with the distinctive rolled back petals. There could be a couple of dozen or more species in this group.
4 Jan, 2010
Indeed there are. I grew yet another of this group (Lilium pyrenaicum) from seed a few years ago and gave them to my mum where they are thriving (see my photo's).
4 Jan, 2010
Thank You, Fractal. I had L. pyrenaicum written down somewhere, but misplaced it. I copied and pasted the above. Really nice yellow Pyrenean Turks' Caps. How long before you saw blooms after sowing seed?
Aplogy to Spritz, here. L. henryi has only one "i". :-))
Just saw "Turks Cap" lily referred to as L. lancifolium, also as L. tigrinum. Honestly, if you knew the reason I asked this question in the first place, you'd definitely think that I had "lost the plot". :-))
Many thanks again, everyone, for your input. Seems like that, here at home, Turks' Cap would be most easily available.
4 Jan, 2010
Hi David, they flowered certainly no later than their third year.
Funnily enough, L. pyrenaicum has naturalised in many parts of Scotland so you may see it here and there usually near ditches against hedges etc.
4 Jan, 2010
Wow, Fractal!!
To both "parts" of your kind reply. I was thinking that it might take 4 - 6 years to get bloom from seed. Also, must investigate the surroundings wherever I go this year, for signs of it. Have never seen it lsited as a plant to "report" to any authority. Will definitely be looking out for this one. Many Thanks, for giving us yet another incentive to get out there, and look even more closely!!! :-))
4 Jan, 2010
I understand the tiger lily to be Lilium lancifolium and a true lily. Genus: Lilium and Family: Liliaceae.
There is an orange daylily - Hemerocallis fulva - and maybe the confusion arises because the Tiger Lily is sometimes commonly called the Orange Lily.
4 Jan, 2010