By Scotkat
Its shrove Tues and just made blueberrie wholemeal pancakes.
So if you have blueberries growing a good way to use them is make your own fresh pancakes.
12 Feb, 2013
That's more like it SBG! To me pancakes are crepes those thin little morsels with sugar and lemon.
In 1990 visited Canada and the US and was more than surprised with there version of pancakes, which to me are large drop scones :-)
I could wax lyrical about crepes with apple butter and creme freshe.
12 Feb, 2013
My pancakes weren't very good this year. I used my new food processor to mix but it didn't seem to get enough air in and they were rather on the solid side. Alas.
13 Feb, 2013
Oh no always another time.
I normally make real scotch pancakes .
And always made them inmy elctric frypan but no longer have one .
But do have a gas hob and so wish had an old fashioned girdle.
Dont know where you can get them now.
The recipe I used this year was out Paul Hollywood cook book.
13 Feb, 2013
How about this one Scotcat...
13 Feb, 2013
Link does not work MG
13 Feb, 2013
It does but here is the extremely long one...
Remember you have to copy and paste into your web browser not just click on in GoY
13 Feb, 2013
I did copy and paste and would not work MG.
13 Feb, 2013
So does the long one work?
13 Feb, 2013
Thanks MG yes it did.
14 Feb, 2013
I got one that's intended from galettes but makes a good girdle but I got it in a French supermarket which is a bit difficult. You can get a large batch of scotch pancakes on it all at once.
14 Feb, 2013
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ooh pancakes I forgot it was Shrove Tuesday. Supper time then. Butter and sugar with a squeeze of lemon mmmmmm. :o)
12 Feb, 2013