By Bobthespade
United Kingdom
Hi,I'm new to flower growing, and this year I have bought some red hot poker and lupin seeds. If i nip the plant when it has about 4 or 6 leaves, will it become a bushy plant, and will there be more than one flower head on them. I am aware there is little or no chance of them flowering this year
12 Feb, 2013
welcome to GoY.
they dont need pinching out in either case. They are as Andy says a clump forming plant.
the lupins if satrted off early may well flower at the back end of the year but will certainly do so next year. I find Red hot pokers flower in their 3rd year [I'm in East Yorks]
13 Feb, 2013
Oh thats interesting SBG, I planted a red hot poker plant last Spring and the leaves grew really well but no flowers.
13 Feb, 2013
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« Thanks everyone. The runoff is coming from my lawn towards the house's gable...
I've never grown red hot poker from seed but i would imagine that, as with lupins, the plants will be self branching and will form nice, bushy plants on their own.
Good luck
13 Feb, 2013