By Georgine
United Kingdom
When is the best time to plant a Choisya shrub? please.
In the bed where we intend to plant it, my husband David must first dig out a straggly red berry plant and dig in some new earth etc. It is quite a sunny spot, the bed is
under a window at the front of our home and faces South East.
I'm afraid It has been sometime since I joined the garden blog and logged in. I am looking forward to spring and being able to be out in the garden much more this year,
so hope to keep up to date and log in regularly.
kind regards Georgine
kind regards to everyone,
On plant
Choisya ternata
17 Feb, 2013
Hi Georgine,
we planted a choisya last Spring [choisya ternata] and it's put on a lot of growth since, they do get quite big so allow plenty of room for it [they don't need pruning.]Bamboo is correct, keep it well watered for the first couple of years if weather is dry [ we should be so lucky!] Welcome back to this site.
17 Feb, 2013
I always feel a tiny bit envious of people who say "my husband will dig out the shrub... remove the turf...etc. But then, would I really want to relinquish my job?
17 Feb, 2013
Thank you everyone for your answers,
very helpful!
Hi steragram, I do feel lucky that my husband likes
and enjoys doing these jobs in the garden, I just
really potter and say where I like plants to be, ha ha.
No seriously I admire the ladies that can manage the
digs etc. Annoyingly I have health complaints that inhibit me in doing any of the heavier work but I do enjoy the lighter garden work.
Kind Regards, Georgine
17 Feb, 2013
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Choisya Ternata
£9.50 at Burncoose -
Choisya Ternata 'sundance'
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Choisya Ternata
£9.99 at Best 4 Plants
Best planted in autumn or early spring - but spring or early summer planting means you need to pay attention to watering throughout the summer in its first year, until its established itself properly.
17 Feb, 2013