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Inverness-Shire, United Kingdom

Can I transplant a minature rhododendron just now?



Hi Calvin - when does you rhodo flower?

17 Feb, 2013


Usually middle of the year.

17 Feb, 2013


And, should have asked this in first reply, how long have you had it planted where it is?

17 Feb, 2013


It has been in a large tub for about a year and 3 months.

17 Feb, 2013


Then yes, weather permitting, you can move it now but keep well watered to start with and make sure it is planted in ericaceous compost if your soil is alkaline.

17 Feb, 2013


Hi there,
Thanks very much for the advice am away to get some compost now.
Have a nice day,

18 Feb, 2013


Hope all went well...

18 Feb, 2013

How do I say thanks?

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