By Janpled
United Kingdom
What is the most effective way of getting rid of moles humanely? They are getting very close to the pond which has a heavy duty liner, are they likely to penetrate the liner?
18 Feb, 2013
You can buy a solar powerd device that you stick in the ground and it vibrates at a rate that the moles don't like. No idea if it works, though.
18 Feb, 2013
Thanks, interesting theories, both similar ways of working by the look of it. I will try and see if they work for me.
I look forward to receiving other remedies too.
18 Feb, 2013
Tried them all, from noises to prickles in the tunnels to Mothballs to Mole repellent bulbs, none of them work for any length of time. The expensive one mentioned by Bulbaholic was probably the least effective of all.
Sorry but Scissors traps are the only sure way of getting rid. And even then they return if there are any in the surrounding area as there are here.
18 Feb, 2013
Oh and the so called humane traps are not. You have to release the mole somewhere. If it is above ground for any length of time it will die and if you release it where there is already a mole, the resident one will kill the interloper. At least the Scissor trap is quick.
18 Feb, 2013
Thanks Owdboggy. I kind of expected this would be the best remedy sadly.
19 Feb, 2013
If you read them any political manifesto they'll get so bored they'll move on to pastures new!
19 Feb, 2013
How I wish that was true! I would be out there with Das Kapital now!
20 Feb, 2013
The moles, as yet haven't returned but we now have a stoat family inhabiting it seems the old rabbit burrows......which is probably why we have less rabbits.......
20 Feb, 2013
I suspect stoats will decimate your moles too.
My cat catches moles. He lurks next to a mole hill for hours and then pounces.
20 Feb, 2013
Since I did the thing with the cans on sticks we, or our neighbours haven't had moles (if the moles are reading this it is not an invitation.....:)
It was years ago now, it could be that even though we are on top of a hill the water table here is now high again
Now thinking about it that was another idea that was suggested to get them to go.......flush them out with a hose pipe.....
21 Feb, 2013
I once had to empty the grey water out of our Septic tank. I poured it down a mole run. Took over 200 gallons of the water. Moles was back within a few weeks.
21 Feb, 2013
We had moles around a pond, I drove them into the dich by putting a garden cane into the molehill and topping the cane with an empty soft drinks can each time the molehill came up, I put the cane and can in......, it needs patience and a supply of canes and cans but it worked for us and up to now haven't returned
18 Feb, 2013