By Ph0010421
United Kingdom
I've just pruned an unruly privet back pretty hard. It's now the right shape, but a bit bald. Are leaves likely to return this year? If ever...

22 Feb, 2013
Thank you both. I'm reassured!
22 Feb, 2013
my husband does this to ours twice a year , more severe than this and it leafs up within 2-3 weeks. dont worry.
22 Feb, 2013
It is still dormant at the moment, but as soon as it starts to get a bit warmer it will green up pretty quickly, as Sbg says, Privet will shoot from quite thick branches if you cut it low enough to get to thick branches, Derek.
24 Feb, 2013
I'm always hacking mine back and it might seem a little bit bald for a while but is very forgiving and should recover. Tough as old boots is privet.
22 Feb, 2013