By Jannette
Hi i have an arum Lilly which was planted in my garden almost two or three years ago it was well established when planted and we had lovely flowers a few times and was gorgeous we had loads of comments but it now sags and wilts, it is still quite green with a couple of leaves with brown edging but hasn't flowered for a while now. It appears to get enough water and sunlight and we have mulching around the base. Can anyone help please as i love it and don't want to lose it.
On plant
10 Mar, 2013
Thankyou Sunburngirl for your reply, im in Australia, we are just entering autumn and im not exactly sure which arum it is,i hadnt expected so many types. I have however had someone look at it and as for position it is apparently in a great spot however not getting wet enough. i absolutly drowned it over the weekend and it looks a lot better. I had thought it was getting enough water but apparently not.Thankyou again.
2 Apr, 2013
I glad it is ahppy again.
3 Apr, 2013
which arum is it exactly? can you post a photo and where abouts do you live uk/usa etc and if uk which county.
I would have expected it to have died down after each summer.
11 Mar, 2013