The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Devon, United Kingdom

Teasel and Monarda. In my usual organised way I have recycled any instructions I was sent and don't know how best to proceed. The Teasel are well-rooted with a good rosette of leaves but don't look happy in my unheated bedroom. The Monarda were bare-rooted plants and now sprouting well, also in said bedroom.
Can I put them outside when the forecast freeze is over? In a pot or in the ground? Should I get a cold frame?



Yeah, when the cold snap is over, plant them in the ground. They should be fine.

10 Mar, 2013


Thankyou Andy. Hope the cold spell doesn't make life difficult for too many people. Slippy pavements and roads are such a hazard.

10 Mar, 2013


I aggree with andy, but yes do get a cold frame, they're so handy for so many things, I wouldn't be without 1, Derek.

10 Mar, 2013


Good plan on both counts...plant outside asap and get a cold frame or similar for propogating :)

11 Mar, 2013


Thankyou Derek and Karen. Yes I must get a coldframe!

11 Mar, 2013


Make sure that you harden them off first before planting out or the change in conditions will kill them off.

11 Mar, 2013


It won't be the temperature that's bothering the teasels as they are perfectly hardy - my Mum used to grow them in Sheffield where the winters were horrendous. Can you give them more light? And as the others say, harden off and plant outside asap.

13 Mar, 2013


Volunteer and Steragram, I've already put the Teasel out, still in pots but covered with fleece and bubblewrap at night. They look happier so you're probably right SG - not enough light. And its absolutely freezing out there!
I'll definitely harden off the Monarda though and a cold-frame will soon grace the patio to help with that. Plus I want my warm bedroom back. Thankyou all.

13 Mar, 2013


Monarda are supposed to be hardy too, I have them in my borders and they survive even the harshest winters. Hope you have success with them. :O) (in lincolnshire) so middle of the country.

20 Mar, 2013


Hello Oliveoil, I will plant them as soon as the freezing weather has passed, after hardening them off first. One is so tiny that I wouldn't risk it yet. And thankyou.

21 Mar, 2013

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