By Lesleyj
United Kingdom
Thank Moon Grower and Drc726 for your answers but the plant is not any of those suggested - I know them all and have grown them. This plant I am trying to find the name of has little flowers in a variety of colours which are similar to a miniature rock rose. I first saw them in Tenerife and brought back cuttings which did very well. Later I saw the seeds here and grew them but have been unable to find them since. The "leaves" are thick, fleshy and spiky, similar to a cactus in many ways. They look so wonderful in tubs and baskets in their array of wonderful colours. Any other suggestions on what it might be?
7 Jan, 2010
Lesley, what a shame you didn't keep the seed packet.
7 Jan, 2010
Thanks Moon grower - first time on this site and am not very "techie" as you have gathered.
Doctorbob1, absolutely - you think you will always find something again and don't think that by throwing away the seed packet, you will have difficulty later on. If I manage to find out what it is, I shall certainly let everyone know!
Thanks for your help and comments.
7 Jan, 2010
just a few surjestions, petunia' begonia' busy lizzie' or diascia'
7 Jan, 2010
7 Jan, 2010
Could also be Purslane (Portulaca). These come in a wonderful range of colours, are easy from seed and have succulent leaves.
7 Jan, 2010
Yes I would suggest the same as Fractal ... Lampranthus - the trailing ice plant perhaps.
7 Jan, 2010
Thank you, thank you Fractal, you've got it - Portulaca! I am so pleased - now I have to look for the seeds. When you see a basket with mixed colours, it is glorious. Thank you again. If anyone is intrigued as to what this plants looks like, please see the following link. Thanks.
7 Jan, 2010
i have grown these from seed too. they have a flower similar to mesembryanthum and like them they need the sun to open fully.
7 Jan, 2010
It is also known as 'sun plant' or 'rose moss'
7 Jan, 2010
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7 Jan, 2010