By Troy
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me the name of this lily. Its has a beautiful fragrance, and I would like to purchase some more.

9 Jan, 2010
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Sorry MG - it is too white for "Stargazer"...I had a whole bunch of them from T&M last year and they are pink and freckled.
It looks more like one of the Oriental ones to me - I will need to go and look as I am sure I had it last year too - and could have a pic lurking somewhere!!!
9 Jan, 2010
Thanks Alzheimer. I will await your reply. This one has a wonderful fragrance
9 Jan, 2010
Now then Troy - having said that - I am blowed if I can track down my pic!!
Plenty of the Stargazers - but all my ones were very pink and speckled...I'll put a pic back on to show you. My whiter one was one of Thomson and Morgan's Tree lilies which nearly took the roof off my "sitootery" last summer - it was at least 8' tall!! I don't think that it is it either though as it isn't freckled. They all have a wonderful perfume though..and there are some new ones whose pollen doesn't stain - which is a BIG plus!! I will keep looking - I hate to be beaten!
PS just put on a couple of pics - but still can't find the one I want !!
Hopefully somebody else will come up with the answer and put us out of our misery!
Can you remember where you bought it by the way - sometimes that helps
9 Jan, 2010
it looks a lot like Muscadet that I got from Parkseeds about6 years ago.
9 Jan, 2010
I agree - I just checked in my Parkers' catalogue and it has to be Muscadet!
9 Jan, 2010
I just posted a picture of mine over in the photo section.
9 Jan, 2010
Yes - it looks lovely - and definitely 'Muscadet'!
9 Jan, 2010
If you want to avoid the problem of pollen stains from Lilies (and the bit which poisons animals) then all you need to do is to remove the pollen bearing parts. It has no effect on the perfume and the flowers actually last twice as long.
9 Jan, 2010
i'd go with muscadet too. they are a lovely lily.
9 Jan, 2010
Just looked back here - and of course you are right folks - Muscadet it is!
Thanks for that ..can't think where I got my one because T&M don't stock it!!
9 Jan, 2010
loveli it lookes like one i have oriental lily on my pic page 9 i think, is muscadet an oriental one?
9 Jan, 2010
Spot on Sandra - just looked at your pic and it is identical!
So now you know it is an Oriental one ...called is SO pretty I must say.
9 Jan, 2010
yes its a favourite of mine, im hoping it comes back but will get another if not
9 Jan, 2010
Yes, Muscadet is an Oriental and it looks just like yours. My neighbor can smell it in her yard on summer nights.
9 Jan, 2010
yes the smell is wonderfull outside but gives me a bad head inside but i love them
9 Jan, 2010
I got mine from parkers. bt i found the smell overpowering so i put htem at the far end of the garden.
9 Jan, 2010
Def Muscadet...
10 Jan, 2010
they are over powering sea... at work they put them in salon and i feel sick with the strong scent to the point of a bad head, cant wait to get out,
10 Jan, 2010
i have that problem when hubby buys them for indoors. I t was really hard telling him not to buy the fragrant ones. But he took it well. I have the most beautiful blood red amayrillis in a vase at the moment.
10 Jan, 2010
i love amaryllis sea,,, have 3 going at moment which ive potted up this last week, cant wait :o))
10 Jan, 2010
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Possibly 'Stargazer'
9 Jan, 2010