By Geordiedave
United Kingdom
I have been offered a monkey puzzle tree it is about 10 years old and about 1.5 metres high it is not in a very good position right next to a terraced house and in a sorry state will it transplant and when would it be a good time
20 Mar, 2013
It does need taking out though, being so near the house.
20 Mar, 2013
You will need thick gloves and thick padded clothes as Moon Growe has mentioned they are very spiky and difficult to move without slashing yourself.
Monkey puzzle has a long root tap root that you really must not damage [damage that and the tree will die] - the side roots are all feeding roots and are more expendable.
If right up at a house and unhappy looking then you might be lucky and the tap root is stunted and perhaps almost pot bound, so it may be easier to move.
21 Mar, 2013
Not to mention the fact that they can grow to enormous preportions, they can be huge.
21 Mar, 2013
Can't think why anyone would want one actually, but lots of people do! Good luck with it if you do decide to try anyway.
21 Mar, 2013
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I would think it highly unlikely that you can move a 1.5 metre 10 year old monkey puzzle tree - not least do to the damage it is likely to do to you if you try!
20 Mar, 2013