West Sussex,
United Kingdom
From where do you get leaf mould? I don't have enough trees to make much and I dont suppose it's allowed to collect some from the woods. I have never seen it for sale anywhere.
10 Jan, 2010
The best way to get leaf mould is to make it yourself. If you don't get many leaves in your own garden look out for local community areas where the council go in and clear the leaves up, and then beat them to it. As well as from our own garden I collect the leaves from our village car park and the village hall. I could collect many more if I had the facilities to store them.
11 Jan, 2010
Go to your local tennis club or courts, leaves are a huge nuisance to us and they might even pay you to clear them away. You can fill black dustbin bags with them and leave them to rot in a corner of your garden. Make sure they are damp though or you will end up with enough leaves for a huge collage.
13 Jan, 2010
Thanks for these helpful replies. I will certainly check out the village carpark and the tennis courts next autumn!
13 Jan, 2010
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« I've just bought some seed of Dahlia Imperialis, the tree dahlia. It's...
When we lived in Sussex we made tons of leafmould/compost for sale as well as for the garden. Ask around and get permission to collect some. While the cold weather lasts find time to break up those old bricks, spread on the clay to break it down.
10 Jan, 2010