By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
My Choisia Sundance light green leaves have suffered with the ice & snow, they have gone brown in places, can I cut it down to the green leaves & would they change to light green in the end. :o) Jackie (o:
27 Mar, 2013
Thanks for info Bamboo, I will wait a while till it warms up then, Ha! Ha! WHEN it warms up LOL, sun is out at the moment but NO warmth in it :o( Itching to get out there, so much to do :o))
29 Mar, 2013
Lovely to see the sun - but you're right, it was freezing nonetheless, and will continue if the weather man is right. No warm spring this year then...
29 Mar, 2013
Awww! It's such a shame isn't it, can't wait to feel the warm sun on my back again and swing in my Swinging Hammock, someone I know said we will have to wait till the end of April, Sniff! Sniff :,o(
30 Mar, 2013
But it will be worth waiting for, when the temperatures are in the mid eighties through may, june, july august september october etc, if only, lol, Derek.
31 Mar, 2013
Wait till the weather's settled down, in other words, its not winter any more, so mid to late April at least, then cut back. It might look a bit twiggy initially, but it'll grow away nicely, and, with the exception of any reverted (plain green) parts which may occur, and which should be removed, will regrow nicely in the yellow colour it should be.
27 Mar, 2013