By Marion1
United Kingdom
I have bought 2 bare root roses, I must say after reading on the net I think I have paid over the odds for them it was £30 for 2, they are David Austen ones called Patricia so maybe I ave paid a premium for his ones.... Anyway I need to know how to plant them when they come. There is conflicting advice on the net, some say submerge them totally for 24 hours and other say soak the roots for only 10 mins as they need oxygen and there is no oxygen in water which method is correct, also can you advise if there are any special planting techniques I need to follow, I am planting then in a very large tub. Many thanks
30 Mar, 2013
Hi Marion1, First of all I think you're probably right about having paid too much, especially for bare root, I wouldn't pay that much for container grown ones.
As soon as they arrive plunge the roots into a bucket of water, and leave them there until you plant them out, which should be a s a p.
As you're putting them in tubs, you will have to make sure that the tub is actually wide enough to put all the roots in when spread out, and also deep enough to plant them with the graft just below soil level, and still leave 3 or 4 inches of compost below the roots.
Rosews are quite heavy feeders, so I would probably use a compost such as john innes no3, to make the pot a little lighter to move about, you can use polystyrene chunks for drainage, and try to keep them off the ground with pot feet or flat stones, hope this helps, Derek.
30 Mar, 2013
Oh bugs Derek,
I got a massive pot and its very very deep, filled it up ready and I have forgot to put drainage in, is this an absolute must?? I have sprinkled grow more in the soil and got rose, tree and shrub soil, there is a hole in the bottom of the pot will this be enough drainage or shall I empty it and put the drainage in? I really dont want to make a mistake with this as I am planting them in memory of my mum, so i need them to thrive.
30 Mar, 2013
I'd certainly put broken pot or large lumps of polystyrene in to help drainage. the hole itself will clog up with the compost.
I have in the past just put the roots in for about an hour or two. as they are david austen roses £15 each is about right, they are expensive but I would have expected them to be in pots for that price.
Patricia is a lovely rose though. a lovely memorium too.
30 Mar, 2013
Yes i'm afraid I agree with Sbg, you will have to have the drainage hole covered, so you will have to start again, sorry!, Derek.
30 Mar, 2013
I bought a 'pat austin' bare root late last year ,i seem to remember it cost me around 15 pounds but then i am fussy ;-)
31 Mar, 2013
the cemical formula for water is h20 = ipart hidrogen 2 parts oxygen ??????
27 Oct, 2013
Yes, but can you breathe it?, Derek.
27 Oct, 2013
How wonderful Marion am pleased you got your roses.
And you and look forward to when they will bloom and give you a lot of pleaseure.
30 Mar, 2013