By Steragram
United Kingdom
Have you bought Dobies pot luck perennials? I thought it meant pot luck on choice of variety, not pot luck on whether they were still alive! One was completely dead and dry, and a pulmonaria majeste that was just what I wanted is not much better - it has a slim chance. With the other four it remains to be seen.
30 Mar, 2013
complain otherwise they will keep doing this. also
they may replace them or offer a refund. When I have had poor plants from T&M I have complained and had a refund and replacement plants.
30 Mar, 2013
I complained to Dobies a couple of years ago about a few poor quality bedding begonias in a large tray expecting them to send me a few replacements and they sent a complete new tray full. I've been buying from them for years and their plants are usually very good.
30 Mar, 2013
Yes, I guess this is the way to go. I was very surprised as I thought it was a good reliable firm.
30 Mar, 2013
Just playing devils advocate a bit but as they're perennials, some might still be dormant with the weather we've been having
31 Mar, 2013
I bought 3 fruit trees a few years ago and one apple didnt bud so i rang them and they sent a replacement no bother. A couple of weeks later the *dead* apple budded, Shhhhhh dont tell hehe.
31 Mar, 2013
I'm still looking in barren pots of compost but still trusting (a gift, from Aldi in plastic bags! )
31 Mar, 2013
@Snoopdog "did you know tesco own dobbies thats why plants are not quality"
Dobies and Dobbies are different garden centres and businesses. Dobbies is partly owned by Tesco. Dobies is privately owned and has nothing to do with Tesco.
31 Mar, 2013
Just checked out what Kildermorie said, and he is correct. Dobies of Devon seems to be quite a nice little GC as distinct from the Tesco one. I am surprised that Tesco hasn't sued to make them change their name - or maybe they have.
31 Mar, 2013
and here I was thinking they only sold shreiking Mandrakes and were based in the grounds of Hogwarts!
Anyone got a sock?
31 Mar, 2013
Many thanks everybody for your replies, and a belated happy Easter to everybody. Hope you got some time in the garden - I got some much needed tidying up and edging done, to the pleasure of the robin and blackbird who found worms I couldn't even see.
Bulba, I rather think Dobies were around before Tesco? They began business in 1880. (Do you remember some time ago somebody tried to register Cadbury's purple colour as their own to prevent Cadburys using it?)
Andy, its a cheering thought -but if you saw the pulmonaria you would agree there can be no possible doubt. It is a dead pulmonaria, it has gone to make its maker, it is a demised pulmonaria...there is no hope, and I'm good at hoping.
Cheers, Daisy - you had the last laugh there!
Hoping for the best like me, Monjardin...
The others I have potted up, and at least two of them should recover eventually, but its wait and see time for the rest.
1 Apr, 2013
Dobbies is not Dobies, but they will replace if you are not satisfied with the product. And they didn't always half-belong to Tesco.
2 Apr, 2013
you where lucky you plants arrived at all. When I complained all I got was a well washed corporate apology and stuff you.................not impressed . Replace the product, what product! the only thing they replaced was money, and money does not grow in my garden. Once you are committed to the growing year, and half you beds are empty due to none delivery, your screwed.
16 Jun, 2014
I ought to have put another comment on here - some of them did grow eventually -It was all worth it for the beautiful Incarvillia delavii which has two glorious flowers on it just now. It took its time but did make it in the end. The brunnera has never done much of anything but probably because of where I put it.
I'm sorry you were so disappointed with your order - hope you managed to fill your beds in the end.
(I'm surprised you came across this from as far back as last year!)
16 Jun, 2014
Hi Steragram, I think you have hit the nail on the head with that one, pot luck on both counts, mind you it could be worse, they could have been t&m, and they would have had about as much chance of survival as a snow flake in a very hot place, lol, Derek.
30 Mar, 2013