By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
is anyone else having trouble getting info from their home page?
My blog tag says there arent any blogs today the 12th is this true?
also questions i answered yesterday says there other answers after mine but when i click on them there is my comment as the last one with no other comments.
Am I the only one? Have I been 'blocked'?
I have sent a message to the boys so i will have to wait 'patiently'.
12 Jan, 2010
so its not just me. that is a relief.
thats dot.
12 Jan, 2010
If I dont say it someone will! I am denise lol.
12 Jan, 2010
There was trouble with posting blogs yesterday as well - P&A know, and they are trying to sort it all out. They will!! :-))
13 Jan, 2010
so sorry denise, I thought you were a dot from a previous comment. .
13 Jan, 2010
I have noticed today on my home page is not telling me all the question/blogs that have been replied to but its intermittent
12 Jan, 2010