United Kingdom
I have received my onion sets and they are already growing. What should I do with them? The ground is covered with snow. Temperature 0.
13 Jan, 2010
Hi ...I would plant them up in modules and leave in cold greenhouse, that way they will be well established and ready for planting out in early spring.
14 Jan, 2010
Andrea Temp is little above freezing in our neck of woods which is where Guest lives. So a cold greenhouse will mean one that is little above freezing, I'm also not sure that planting sets in modules and then planting out is a good idea, in fact just done a google check and all gardening sites say onion sets are planted direct into the ground not into modules. I'd still complain at receiving onion sets that are sprouting.
14 Jan, 2010
Hi Moon grower....not much warmer here in Yorkshire...this has worked for me...after following advice from a popular radio garden expert.....but different for everyone I guess. It may be worth just sacrificing a few to test?
16 Jan, 2010
It is far to early to plant onion sets where you live (we are just west of you in Moray). In fact I am amazed that you have been sent them already... You either plant in early autumn or spring. If they were already starting to grow when you received your order get in touch with the company you bought from!
We will not plant sets for another two months.
13 Jan, 2010