By Sholberg
My local gardener informed me that it was "bad" to plant different colors of Cannas together, he could not tell me why though. Is there any truth to this?
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate the advice.
1 Apr, 2013
Maybe it's because they might grow at different rates and look wrong together? Or the colours of the flowers clash? Otherwise, I can't see any reason why not.
1 Apr, 2013
Sounds daft to me...
1 Apr, 2013
Sounds like an April Fool piece of advice!
1 Apr, 2013
The only thing that I can think of is in some varieties of Canna you cannot tell if it has Canna virus or not - Tropicana, Durban and etc.
1 Apr, 2013
its your garden , your clean pallet i agree with mg for once lol .
1 Apr, 2013
Lol, NP!
1 Apr, 2013
Trying to tell Christopher Lloyd not to plant different colours together was like a red rag to a bull. If you want to do it, go for it
1 Apr, 2013
Your local gardener must have a bee in his bonnet! LOL.
2 Apr, 2013
ha ha lol xx . nothing wrong with a good laugh xx . ill try anything that makes sense in my mind and is not hurting anyone .
4 Apr, 2013
there is a lot to learn bye mistakes .
4 Apr, 2013
I should have learned a lot by now then!
6 Apr, 2013
me too lol xx .
7 Apr, 2013
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« House plants I need some help with my house plants please - don't seem to...
I grow cannas every year for home and work and the only problem i get is that slugs love em !!!!!
1 Apr, 2013