By Telme8
Vale of Glamorgan,
Can the adverts and congratulations you are a winner be removed from the right hand side of my goy screan it drives me mad as I am unable to look through the pictures as these ads cover them over.
1 Apr, 2013
We have all had problems with these annoying ads,but if you look for a small red icon on your screen,with the letters ADP,which means on it,and you should be able to remove them..hope this helps..I have no adverts now..
1 Apr, 2013
I have an Apple computer. I can't see the small red icon.......
1 Apr, 2013
Thanks every one, but I have tried all your sugestions and I have gone onto Ads preference and removed all the things I am interested in, clicked on remove all and I have also cleaned up my computer and my cookies and I am still bugged. "How to get rid of your wrincles!!" and all the other nonsence still persists. I could not find a red icon ADP but thanks anyway, if anyone comes up with other suggestions I would be well pleased.
1 Apr, 2013
Go to and install it Telme8. It blocks adverts on all websites and even gets rid of the annoying ads at the beginning of videos on Youtube. Perfectly safe to install I've been using it for a long time - works a treat.
1 Apr, 2013
I second what Dirtyred says. I never get any ads. and Adblock is free. Some people prefer to support the site financially by allowing the advertisers stuff to appear. Which you choose is up to you really.
1 Apr, 2013
Thank you Dirtyred for that advice, I have just been on that site and followed your instructions and they have now gone, oh they are so annoying.... telme8 try the Dirty red suggested and go into disable all.
1 Apr, 2013
I just went to look at Adblock but it doesn't seem to work on Internet Explorer which is a shame:(
1 Apr, 2013
Hi Louisa - unfortunately that's true, there isn't really an option (at least none that I know of) for blocking ads in Internet Explorer :(
1 Apr, 2013
In that case Louisa you would be better going on to Firefox as a Browser, better in almost every way than IE.
2 Apr, 2013
Thanks Owdboggy, I'm very nervous of changing browser, if I changed to Firefox or Chrome then wanted to get back to the familiarity of IE could I change back easily?
2 Apr, 2013
Hi Dirtyred,
I was so thrilled to get your answer to my problem and also to see that others also had the same problem and benefited from what I thought was a cheeky question to be asking our gardener friends. That said I followed your instructions but could not find a button to down load the, there was a video about it the only down load button on it seemed to down load new internet servers and all their cleaning packs etc but no ad blocks. What am I doind wrong. I could not see anything to down load it on google. I also have firefox and tried that but ended up with some other strange server unknown to me. Sadly I still have all the adverts. I then went onto google and asked how to down load it and got another package and internet server installed on my computer. I am afraid to down load anything else!!!!!
Am I being dull? I don't like to bother a helpful friend but if you can throw any light onto the matter I would be grteatful.
2 Apr, 2013
Hi Telme8 - is firefox your browser? If so try this link:
Copy and paste this into your browser - you should see a message at the top of your page telling you that Firefox has blocked Adblockplus from installing. Click "Allow" then when the pop up install window appears click on continue. If you are still having problems just let me know. I'm not sure what you mean by "internet server" though sorry - are you getting messages, and if so what do they say? Good luck!
2 Apr, 2013
Lousia, Yes you can still use IE. Changing Browser does not remove the old one, it just side steps it. Both will appear in the Start option and you can choose which one you want to use.
2 Apr, 2013
2 Apr, 2013
Hi Louisa yes I second what Owdboggy says its very easy to change back if you don't like Firefox or even keep both until you make your mind up.
2 Apr, 2013
Thanks very much Owdboggy and Dirtyred!
2 Apr, 2013
YES - go for it, Louisa!
2 Apr, 2013
I did go for it and spent a happy evening learning about Firefox and using it to browse. Never thought I'd be brave enough to change browser but the kind people on this thread made something that I thought was complicated very easy:))
3 Apr, 2013
3 Apr, 2013
That's the way to do it!
3 Apr, 2013
Good for you Louisa!
3 Apr, 2013
Once you have added Ad-block then also check out Do Not track Plus as well. This stops companies etc. from seeing where you have been on the Interweb thingy.
Go to Add-ons in the Firefox menu
3 Apr, 2013
brilliant, well done and thanks. Have just used ad blocker and it has worked.
5 Apr, 2013
I just installed ad blocker too and it's worked, but it put me off that although it's free, it asks for a contribution, I know it's a small one, but I'd feel bad if I didn't pay but don't want to, so I've removed it and will put up with the ads.
5 Apr, 2013
Well, that is your decision, but I have to say that it is advertised as a free Add-on for Firefox etc. and we have been using it for a couple of years without feeling the need to send then any money.
I really would advise putting it back and Do Not Track too which also asks for a contribution and does not get one.
7 Apr, 2013
Hi Louisa - please don't let that put you off. The contribution is purely a voluntary thing. Ad Block (and Firefox) are "open source" - intended to be free for all to use. Hope you stick with it!
7 Apr, 2013
Previous question
« I bought this plant (well rescued it) I think its a Spathiphyllum it doesn't...
I don't get them but at the moment someone is trying to sell me fencing because I looked it up a week or so ago. Oh I just clicked on the x on the ad and it has gone but is telling me I can go to "ads preferences" in google. I shall give it a go and see if I can stop them. Just done it and have deleted the ads they are targeting at me. Don't know how long it will last.
1 Apr, 2013