By Blodwen20
United Kingdom
I planted a clematis with blue flowers last february. It flowered once. It kept growing slowly but in December it completely died. I haven't removed from the soil. Will it grow back?
15 Jan, 2010
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clematis plants
15 Jan, 2010
if it was flowering in feb it sounds like it might be one of the micropetalla ones.
mine looks very dead but it does every year then it flowers and then leafs.
15 Jan, 2010
Or an alpina?
15 Jan, 2010
It was bright blue but it didn't flower until March/April. Sorry I can't remember its name.
16 Jan, 2010
Never mind - wait a while and post a photo! OR - have a browse through the Clematis photos on GOY and see if you can spot one like it!
Go down to the bottom of the page and click on the letter 'C'. Then you will find 'Clematis plants' to look at. Good luck!
16 Jan, 2010
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They're deciduous plants, so it'll start sprouting in the spring.
If you don't know its name you'll not know when to prune it, so don't try .... let it flower, post a picture and we may be able to identify it and then you can learn about its pruning requirements and how to make the most of it.
15 Jan, 2010