By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
This Clematis is growing in my front garden and is covered in flowers it also flowers in the summer too but I haven't a clue what the name of it is.
Jackie :-)
15 Jan, 2010
Yes it looks like 'freckles'....lovely..:>)
15 Jan, 2010
Certainly one of the Clematis cirrhosa group, but it looks a bit pinker than "Freckles" to me in the close up shot. Maybe that is the camera though.
16 Jan, 2010
Thanks. And yes it is whiter than in the picture Owdboggy, I mucked about with it in PhotoShop. :-) Jackie
16 Jan, 2010
This looks to me like Freckles. It is supposed to be a winter flowering plant but most people find that a smattering of flowers throughout the year. Midly scented even in winter.
15 Jan, 2010