By Tigger123
United Kingdom
Hi all
I sowed some seed at the beginning of March into pots and put them in a covered area at the side of the house. They were a complete variety, from nasturtiums, sweet peas and loads of others, and not a single one has germinated. Could the cold be holding them back and they'll germinate eventually, or will they just rot? Anyone give me any hope? Already a bit despondent as nearly all my geranium and nicotiana plugs which I potted up and put in the summer house for protection have keeled over :(
3 Apr, 2013
Oh dear. Perhaps I took half hardy too literally! Oh well, you live and learn..... Thanks though!
3 Apr, 2013
Hi tigger half hardy means that can't take any frost... that said if they have not yet germinated move the trays to a warm windowsill and see what happens.
3 Apr, 2013
That might be worth a try,as Mg suggests..nothing to lose really.
3 Apr, 2013
I will certainly give the windowsills a go (might have to use the neighbour's windowsills as well though - there are quite a few pots.... :) Thanks very much.
3 Apr, 2013
you are welcome..:o)
4 Apr, 2013
Hi there
Just to let you know that some (but not all!) of the seeds I sowed early have finally germinated, but those I sowed a month later germinated first. Just goes to show that the old adage 'more haste, less speed' has some merit! I'll probably make the same mistake next year though.... :)
28 Apr, 2013
Well who knows what the weather will do next year! If you'd sown in March last year it would have been fine.
28 Apr, 2013
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Firstly,welcome to Goy..I think you have answered your own Question,Tigger.far too cold outside for them..and maybe your summerhouse is the same..even some of us who have started seeds off indoors,are experiencing losses in these conditions...the nights are freezing yet..have you anywhere you could sow some more,inside,with a little warmth? A kitchen windowsill maybe? ..sorry to sound negative,but I think you will have to start again..good luck..
3 Apr, 2013