By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Cryptotaenia. japonica 'Atropurpurea'.
This has come in as a hitch hiker in a recently bought plant. Any advice on how to grow it, behaviour etc.
thanks in advance.

5 Apr, 2013
that's what I did find Bamboo, except some said it was an edible herb, I was hoping some one grew it and could say from experience. Several of my new purchases aren't in the RHS bible either. Don't intend to eat it though. :o)
I has an unusual leaf colour. cant decide if it will show up on my soil though.
6 Apr, 2013
That's the trouble with dark leaved plants, they only show if they get tall against green surroundings.
6 Apr, 2013
Conflicting and possibly dangerous info. So annoying.
6 Apr, 2013
I get what you mean, Merlinbaby... its definition as a 'herb' (which it is classed as) sort of implies it okay to eat, but remember, many 'herbs' are dangerous if consumed, and are actually only herbs in the medicinal sense - penny royal or feverfew being examples. The confusion is because you rarely see the full definition, which is either culinary herb, or medicinal herb.
7 Apr, 2013
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New one on me, never heard of it before, but I've done a bit of research, though probably haven't found anything you've not found yourself. One site says it 'prefers moist conditions with a bit of shade, but will grow almost anywhere' and its hardy down to -16 deg C, but another site says it likes sun, well drained soil and is hardy down to -10 deg. C. Perennial, umbelliferous, toxic if eaten, that's about it, couldn't find anything else. Not mentioned in my RHS encyclopaedia at all...
6 Apr, 2013