By Marion1
United Kingdom
I Have bought some spider lilies and they have a green bit growing from one end, is this the root or where the foilage and flowers will come from as I am unsure which way up to plant them, thanks.
5 Apr, 2013
Thank you, do I leave the green bit outside of the soil or cover it?
5 Apr, 2013
Here in the desert we usually leave the tip exposed, but I understand that it is better to plant deeper in cooler climates.
5 Apr, 2013
I'd treat them like dahlias, so a couple of inches deep then keep frost free and then bring them in over winter as they are not frost hardy.
6 Apr, 2013
Thanks for your help.
9 Apr, 2013
as a rule of thumb roots are not green [though there are some exceptions] Shoots are green. so this bit needs to be pointing up when you plant them.
5 Apr, 2013