By Blagaby21
United Kingdom
can you kill ivy with a selective weed killer
5 Apr, 2013
It might also help to put a little detergent in the mix, to help break the surface tension. But in the long run its probably just as quick (haha) to pull and dig it out.
5 Apr, 2013
These weed killers are now blamed for the decline in Bees. Best to dig it out.
6 Apr, 2013
Thought the article on the news was about pesticides used by farmers affecting bees. If I have to use weed killer I use a systemic one and spray at dusk anyway when many insects have gone done for the night.
6 Apr, 2013
If you can apply weedkiller with a paintbrush to the underside of a few of the leaves, it will penetrate better than if you spray the upper surfaces, and you won't need to use so much. I try not to spray where there's an alternative, but I doubt you'll completely eradicate ivy without the use of weedkiller at all.
6 Apr, 2013
I've got a different answer, which is, effectively no, or at least I've never found it works. What does work is cutting it all down, finding as many of the woody roots and stems as possible, cutting into them and applying a brushwood killer such as SBK. And repeating on new growth which has the temerity to pop up out of the ground from roots you've missed.
6 Apr, 2013
sbk did nothing to mine as cuttingf threw the roots didnt seam to do much . best way is to dig it up and pull it down as bamboo sais .
6 Apr, 2013
Did you finally manage to kill yours NP? I bet that was a job and a half!
I agree with Bamboo dig it up if you can and SBK what you can't. I cleared a large stretch of it so rampant we discovered a wheelbarrow and a rotary clothes line underneath it, and didn't use any weedkiller at all. (But made the mistake of loading it into the car and leaving it for a couple of days before going to the tip, and the smell remained int he car for weeks. Never realised it had a smell before...SBG is right about the weedkillers / pesticides and bees.
6 Apr, 2013
is still a problem and its no in the ground at all steragram xx .
7 Apr, 2013
It must be the most determined ivy in the country!
7 Apr, 2013
i think its livn out of the drainage to the roof but its been cut well over a year . jus my luck xx .
7 Apr, 2013
yes but it is a stubborn little devil. I find if you crush the leaf so you break the waxy layer on the surface it absorbs the weed killer better. You'll need more than one application I would suspect.
5 Apr, 2013