By Irene24
United Kingdom
My friends grandaughter has moved to a new property and has 20 rose shrubs she is giving me but she wont be doing her garden untill later in the year my question is will they survive if they are moved when flowering
6 Apr, 2013
Agree with Worthy - if it can't wait till late autumn, it's not worth trying to save them. If it can wait till mid to late autumn, cut them all down and then dig them up.
6 Apr, 2013
I agree it would be better to wait until autumn. I bet she wont be ready for them until then anyway. if my memory of moving house is anything to go by. :o)
6 Apr, 2013
Yes, better to wait, however, I got away with moving a 7yr old 'Warm Welcome' climber last May/June. Sadly, it would have been lost anyway due to building work. Cut off flowers, buds :-(( and most of foliage, and relocated. Not much in the way of a root ball! Kept well watered using old 2litre water bottles with bases cut off and neck sunk into soil as a reservoir to keep topping up. It looked a little sad and wilted for a week or so, but is now thriving with lots of healthy new growth. Best of luck.
6 Apr, 2013
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They will certainly receive a severe check in growth, and as they aren't particularly good at holding onto a root ball, may lose all the soil from around the roots. That will cause them more stress than they can stand, and yes, they may die. The only way you might get away with it is if the roses are cut back when they are moved, to hugely reduce the amount of foliage (which will naturally draw on the roots for sustenance), and water copiously after transplanting. I wouldn't risk it if there's another option.
6 Apr, 2013