Whats happening with zinnia most are dead i think frost got them Cant understand it as they are in the greenhouseMost of my plants are like the zinnias Is it too late to start again?
By Irene24
United Kingdom
Whats happening with zinnia most are dead i think frost got them
Cant understand it as they are in the greenhouse
Most of my plants are like the zinnias
Is it too late to start again?

7 Apr, 2013
I find they are not happy if they get cold. Mine have just been sown so you can set more off now. I will keep them frost free in the greenhouse/propagator until end of May. I tend to plant them out mid June.
7 Apr, 2013
sorry to hear this about your Zinnias,Irene..and you too,Andy..I was going to sow some tomorrow,but maybe I will wait a bit yet,on reading this..thanks for the warning..and good luck with the next lot..I think we are still forecast some more cold weather ....
7 Apr, 2013
Strange you should say this...mine are rotting too. I sowed some lime green zinnia, they all came up but then started to go black on the leaves and then down the stem. This wasn't damping off.
Still got some alive but lost about half. Mine are in a heated greenhouse which has a min temp of 10 at night. None of the other thousand varieties of plants ive sown have suffered
7 Apr, 2013