By Ad44downey
United Kingdom
Hi, can someone identify this weed/plant please? It has taken over one corner of my garden. If it's a weed can I just yank it out of the ground? Many thanks.

7 Apr, 2013
If the leaves have an unpleasant (to me ) aroma then it could be ground ivy, Glechoma hederacea
7 Apr, 2013
I thought ground ivy too - its a great taker-over. yes, hoik it out.
7 Apr, 2013
Thank you.
8 Apr, 2013
I think it looks like Honesty. I have got lots of Honesty sprouting in the garden and it looks very similar to your picture.
8 Apr, 2013
Easy to tell, Glechoma has lots of running stems which root as they go. Honesty doesn't.
8 Apr, 2013
It had spread over quite a large area and "running stems which root as they go" would probably describe it quite well. So probably Ground Ivy then?
Anyway, it's more or less gone now as I pulled out of the ground as much of it as I could get at this morning:)
Thanks once again.
8 Apr, 2013
I think it is Garlic mustard also know locally to me as 'Jack by the (h)edge. A british native that is Alliaria petiolata.
Certainly a weed in my garden and very smelly. Easy to pull out though.
8 Apr, 2013
Maybe, but Garlic Mustard has a single stem and not runners.
8 Apr, 2013
yes I know but from the photo I couldnt see any runners and it might well be an individual. doesnt matter really as it sbeen pulled out :o)
9 Apr, 2013
This looks exactly the same as the garlic mustard (I didn't know it's name before) that is growing in out garden. The bad news is, Ad, that you haven't got rid of it, in fact, you never seem to get rid of it!
9 Apr, 2013
I'm a gardening novice but 'runners' could well have described it as it had spread over quite a large area and the individual clusters did seem to be linked somehow. So Ground Ivy then?
I have gotten most of it out of the ground now although there's a few bits left under rocks that I have left for the time being as it's to difficult to access. But I'll be keeping my eye on it though. ;)
9 Apr, 2013
If you want a more positive identification, Ad, then leave a bit of it to flower. Ground ivy has a mauve flower similar to dead nettle whilst the flower of garlic mustard is white and has four petals in the form of a cross.
9 Apr, 2013
it spreads like crazy if you do not get it out. Mine has a blue flower too quite a pretty flower but aren't all flowers pretty. lol no idea what it is though.
10 Apr, 2013
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Looks like honesty to me
7 Apr, 2013