By Evewinfield
Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
I have a ceonothis that has grown to a tree about 9' tall, during the very bad weather the weight of the snow pulled it over, the roots are still below the ground but the tree is now on the lawn, will it survive if I try and lift it & put it on a stake
- 18 Jan, 2010
Sorry to contradict you, Cliffo, but Evewinfield, do it now - get the plant upright, or as upright as you can. You may need to excavate some soil if the roots have been pulled out - if they have, dig out some soil, push the roots back in as you get the shrub upright, and stake or tie it firmly. It's a bit odd if the roots are still in the ground but the plant has gone over - this might mean the main stem has snapped or fractured, so check for that.
18 Jan, 2010
how dair you' lol, I bow to your knowlage Bamboo xx
18 Jan, 2010
Bamboo. ...
Evewinfield has just written a blog, which refers to this question.
18 Jan, 2010
Eve I do not send kisses to men'Bamboo is a lady lol,
18 Jan, 2010
yes but leave until the frost as realy gon
18 Jan, 2010