By Sto391
County Durham,
United Kingdom
What is the best recommended wisteria to buy ? I live in theNorth East of England,about 1.5 miles from the coast.My garden is South/Southeast facing.I have built an Arbour from 4x4 post(standing 8ft)and the cross members out of 5x2 roofing timber.The overall area size is12ftx10ft.

20 Jan, 2010
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Hi Sto yes good advice from Drc to narrow the search a little as quite a wide range of varieties to choose from ranging in colour from white through mauve to dark purple.
The 2 main varieties are Wisteria Sinensis ( Chinese Wisteria ) and Wisteria Floribunda ( Japanese Wisteria ).
W.Sinensis probably more vigourous and flowers earlier but given the size of your plot W.Floribunda may prove more manageable.
It also has the advantage of wider colour ranges apart from the traditional mauve and arguably more fragrant.
Wisteria to purchase are those which have been grafted on to older root stock those on their own root stock have often been grown from seed or layered from unproven sources - take much longer to flower if they ever do ..quite possible to by a dud that produces lots of healthy leaf and no flowers.
This is where the advice that they can take up to 10 years to flower comes from ..grafted varieties should flower within 3 years.
Early spring is a good time to purchase as flower buds should appear before leaf bud and would recommend you see this before purchasing any wisteria as this the sign you are buying one capable of flowering.
20 Jan, 2010
Two good forms of W.floribunda are 'Macrobotrys' which has the longest flower raecemes and 'Violacea Plena' (also called 'Double Black Dragon') which has double flowers
20 Jan, 2010
I appreciate all your responses. I am very pleased to meet you all on this excellent sight.I found it by accident and very pleased too, there are people out there with a lot of knowledge to share.Thankyou. I will be asking a lot more questions as I am looking for new planting ideas and inspirations to make my garden easier to look after. I will post some pictures of last year for all to see and help me, if this is possible ?
20 Jan, 2010
I love before and after pics so last years will be great
21 Jan, 2010
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Hello Sto391 welcome to GOY, thats looks a lovely dry stone wall and I like the planting in it. Someone will tell you about which wisteria shortly I expect, but do try and look at our page of Wisteria Pics to give you an idea of the look you are hoping for?
20 Jan, 2010