By Mje
Cheadle Hulme Cheshire,
United Kingdom
Hi all, I have just planted 2 crowns of Rhubarb as per instructions. They are small and I have for the last two nights kept a cut coke bottle over crown as a mini greenhouse. Should I do this bottle cover? Ta M.
20 Jan, 2010
as longe as you have not buried frost with it, I would just leave it,I put some in earler and it is by my parsley that has been unafeced and my strawberrys in baskets that have been coverd in snow and ice are ok,they can take a lot more than you would think.
20 Jan, 2010
Thanks I will take coke bottles off at weekend M.
20 Jan, 2010
I have some recollection from my pre gardening days that the old folk used to periodically turn the rhubarb up for the frost to get at the roots in the winter. Has any one else heared this and if it is right what was the reason ? was it after a few years Mature plants?
20 Jan, 2010
No I havent Telme unless it was to help dig out and old plant as they are deep.
20 Jan, 2010
Telme unless they wanted to get rid of the rhubarb no one would expose the roots of their rhubarb to frost... the only reason to do this would be to kill it.
20 Jan, 2010
if my memory serves me right, it was sumthing to do with renewing the crown .some people used to scrap them after they got realy big because they became sower, but others used to dig them up and leave them for the frost to killof most of the plant forceing it to grow a new crown, rejuvernating the plant, it was diferent then a lot of the old names have gon with mans interferance, I used to grow apple rhubarb it was sweet and the kids used to eat it without sugar, but I have not heard of it for a while.
20 Jan, 2010
Thanks Cliffo I thought I was right, I can remember my Grandfather doing it and it sounds right to rejuvernate the root.
20 Jan, 2010
When I lived in Brighouse a neighbour of mine had a massive rhubarb patch and grew the apple rhubarb,Cliffo He also grew many other varieties I'd never come across before or since.
Harlow Carr has been gathering together a collection of historic varietes and have large beds devoted to rhubarb.
Think you can tell by my comment that I love the stuff :~)))
20 Jan, 2010
I love it to Pipsqueak but only the home grown ones.
21 Jan, 2010
Just been in Wilkos Drc and they were selling 2 varieties at good prices and was nearly tempted but resisted. Being on my own now there is only so much I can eat LoL
21 Jan, 2010
why not make wine with it , I used to be given a big glass of the stuf when I viseted one address ( her asperdesra thrived on it,) lol
21 Jan, 2010
Don't drink Cliffo
21 Jan, 2010
My husband loves rhubarb, I detest it! He freezes enough ready-stewed to last through the year of pies, crumbles and just plain with custard. Jam is also said to be nice (yeuk).
21 Jan, 2010
apple and rhubarb jam is very nice, but the wine is like drinking battry asid, to me, it used to disapear while my frend was out of the room,then I had to use the Im driving excuse.
22 Jan, 2010
Previous question
I plant in hole a bit wider than the rhubarb, the top of the plant about 1in below the surface and I fill in around the plant with soil, gently firming it down to ensure no air pockets etc. Water well. I spread garden compost around the plants, but not directly above where the crown will emerge in a few weeks. Hope this helps every five years I do this with new crowns as I get fed up with the old ones. Forgot to say I usually do this in November/December. Never protected mine from frost but I live in the south east so others may say different.
20 Jan, 2010