United Kingdom
all the leaves on my cordyline have fallen after the sharp winter spell. Is it dead?
20 Jan, 2010
This has happened to so many this last few weeks. Have the leaves just drooped? If so, leave them in place to cover the crown as protection, as Bamboo says it could sprout at the top come Spring.
20 Jan, 2010
There is a similar question just a couple away. Here is my own answer to that one.
'Either the existing leaves will recover, if they are only drooping, or as Janey says, it has a good chance of sending out new growth. Whether it will do that as early as spring, I doubt. More likely another year. In fact I once had one took 2 years. Cordy's are very hardy (or the green ones are) but can't be rushed.'
21 Jan, 2010
I took "fallen" to mean "dropped off" rather than drooped - if you mean drooped downwards but still on the plant, it may well recover.
21 Jan, 2010
It certainly has been the long spell of intense cold that has destroyed the tissue in the stem. Shrubby monocotyledon's (which Cordylines are) don't have normal wood tissue like dicotyledons. Their stems are made of diffuse interwoven bundles of growth tissue and transport tubes for water and minerals separated by starchy material unlike the annually growing rings of dicotyledons that produce true wood. Once damaged by intense cold (ice crystals), it collapses having lost the turgidity that partly kept it upright.
The lower part of the stem often shoots freely from the base so don't remove it yet. Remember, the large rootball will want to replace it's former canopy quite quickly and any new basal shoots will grow much faster than replanting a new one. Leave it until at least the end of June.
22 Jan, 2010
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Doesn't sound good, does it? Might want to wait till spring and see if anything sprouts at the top.
20 Jan, 2010