By Taz
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi everyone, can anyone please tell how to get rid of celandine that is growing in my hardy fuchsia, and in the base of quite a few of my perennials, I have been digging it out of the garden for last two years, there is less of it now, my fuchsia is three foot high and about four foot in length it is beautiful and there is no way I can dig it out, I think it will take me years to eradicate it, it is also in the lawn, I'm hoping weeding and feeding the lawn will get rid of it, here,s hoping one of you has a great idea,
19 Apr, 2013
The celandine appears in the fuchsia before any fuchsia leaves, and you can safely glyphosate it. Worked for me.
If you do have fuchsia leaves just keep the glyphosate very low down so it misses them.
20 Apr, 2013
thanks pam24 and steragram, I have dug out quite a lot around my plant but left it around the roots of my perennials, hoping to keep it under control,
22 Apr, 2013
Previous question
I have come to the conclusion that it does no harm and is very pretty at what can be a dull time of year ( early to mid spring) and as it flowers and then dies back so you don't even know it's there I am leaving mine to get on with it. It likes damp and partially shaded places so maybe move the hardy fuchsia to a sunnier, drier place? Sometimes we have to tolerate plants that don't always conform to what we want them to do!!Good luck with whatever you do anyway :))
19 Apr, 2013