By Gayleg
United States
my pyracantha has never bloomed. it"s 21 years old. what do I do?
20 Apr, 2013
it is in full sun. I pruned it last needs it now though. the soil is probably alot of clay but has had alot of mulch over the years. it is well drained and grows against the back of the garage facing South.
20 Apr, 2013
Hi Gayleg, I think your problem is that you have pruned it at the wrong time, they flower in spring on the previous years growth, so pruning in autumn cuts off the flowering shoots, pruning should be carried out immediately after flowering, as you have had no flowers, I would prune now so it has the longest time to put on growth for flowering shoots next year.
All the other conditions appear to be ok, so try this and see how you get on, good luck, Derek.
21 Apr, 2013
Previous question
Hi Gayleg, welcome to g o y, need to ask a few questions, firstly, what position are you growing it in ? full sun, part shade, full shade, secondly, have you pruned it, and if so what time of the year did you prune it?, what is the soil like that it's growing in? eg, sandy, clay, well drained, waterlogged, fertile etc.
Sorry to ask all these questions, but the more information we have, the better the answer we can give you, Derek.
20 Apr, 2013