By Monjardinlra
Silly clematis question, no. 1001: My clematis (Ville de Lyon) is beginning despite a rather late and drastic but essential prune last week, to shoot up the trellis again (thank goodness). Is it now that I should feed it? With tomato feed, half strength, is that right? It has loads of flowering honesty barring immediate access to it (and presumably sheltering its base from sun) Do I aim the stuff (without a rose on the can) in between them? Will it do any good if so? I'd be reluctant to remove the honesty, pain though their seedlings can be... but I seem to have read somewhere that you shouldn't direct fertilizer straight at a plant but rather sprinkle it round it?
Thanks for your help - you can tell that I'm the kind of gardener who's hitherto made her flowers try to survive on a teaspoonful of gruel if anything and probably rarely that! But this is the first clematis that has survived me (so far) and I'd hate to kill it, with or without kindness....
21 Apr, 2013
Thanks, Mg, that's the nicest answer I've ever heard (given that I've a whole potager at present to bring into order and hopeful renascent life...)
The clem seems keen even without me...! ain't nature wonderful
21 Apr, 2013
I think we get carried away with feeding our shrubs - probably encouraged by the gardening programmes, which I don't watch, and the GCs who are keen to sell any and all sorts of fertiliser!
21 Apr, 2013
I never liquid feed mine either,but I dig in a bit of fresh compost ,with a small amount of granular feed added to it..and that's it for the year..
21 Apr, 2013
I usually just put a spadeful of garden compost around the roots in early spring to keep them cool
21 Apr, 2013
I dont fertilize mine either, but always "keep their feet in the shade and their heads in the sun".
22 Apr, 2013
Previous question
We never feed any of our clematis and they all do just fine.
21 Apr, 2013