By Monjardinlra
When can I move irises? Is just after flowering OK? Any tips for this? They have tubers lying horizontally on the surface of (not much!) v. dry soil, they have purple flowers and are beginning to be in bud, now. Don't know their variety but they're occupying what I hope will be my new herb bed! Thanks, all...
21 Apr, 2013
thanks owdb, I will enjoy their flowers and then try to shift them. Do you just plonk them in approximately the same angle (I've never grown Iris before)? I'm thinking of re-homing them somewhere slightly less dry than they are now but I seem to know they should be proud of the soil?
21 Apr, 2013
Transplant as soon as blooming is done. Some people trim the leaves into a fan shape, but dont cut too short.
Do not completely cover rhisomes. They like sun.
22 Apr, 2013
Also run the rhizomes, north south so the leaves do not shade them. Odd advice as all mine grow in circles so some of the leaves shade the roots anyway, naturally. They like a dry soil. The reason for trimming the leaves is to stop the plant from falling over while it makes new roots. When replanting you can remove all the old dead roots and just leave the new ones. Difference in colour is brown for old and creamy white for new.
22 Apr, 2013
Thanks everyone I will hope for a successful transplant
24 Apr, 2013
That is the normal time to move Bearded Iris, once the flowers have finished, the roots die off and are them replaced with new ones.
21 Apr, 2013