By Monjardinlra
Dear all:
Has anyone else noticed a "spell-check" appearing on their messages? It doesn't stop messages going and it may well be my computer (it usually tries to discipline me) but I'd be interested to know...
21 Apr, 2013
If I am on Goy via google chrome then yes but not via aol or explorer....
21 Apr, 2013
I have a spell checker as I use Safari as Lizziebee says it just underlines a word it thinks is mis-spelt in red. Snag is it thinks all Latin words are mis-spelt!
21 Apr, 2013
It also fails to recognise many English plant names MG can't have an interest in gardening!
21 Apr, 2013
Mine underlines in red too,but mainly because I am spelling it in English,and not American ..which I just totally ignore ...!
21 Apr, 2013
I dont have spell check as such "just a shout to the wife 'how do you spell such & such",
But i do have sat nav and many a time when im on my own driving along a fall out with the voice "take the next right at the juction" no "dont have too Im going stright on"
but i love her really.
21 Apr, 2013
Lizziebee I don't think you meant your answer to imply I didn't have an interest in gardening lol!
21 Apr, 2013
My Spell checker is very good, you can add Latin names and so on to its Dictionary so once you have spelled the word correctly it keeps a check on it for the future. Very useful if one cannot type.
21 Apr, 2013
yes I have noticed that too. Sometimes a very good idea,there was a reminder on a horsey site to check spelling when a horse was described as being a "genital giant" lol
21 Apr, 2013
I guess I left school too long ago - just don't like being disciplined (guess I should be reading 50 shades of grey?!)
22 Apr, 2013
Lol Jenfren - what a concept!!
22 Apr, 2013
Doesn't it just drop hints at you if you make a spelling mistake? mine just underlines the word in red until you correct it.
21 Apr, 2013