By Hank
United Kingdom
Not a question really
I had a 1 metre tall bay tree The shape was awful - vertical up to half it's height, then bent at 60 degrees for the rest. Plenty of leaves and healthy but I was fed up with looking at it.
I put it on Freecycle and had 40 replies. Remarkable.
21 Apr, 2013
Perhaps they were going to use the leaves in cooking rather than looking at it!
21 Apr, 2013
Or wanted a 'weeping' tree... We made that 'mistake' with a conifer which 'wept' beautifully for a good couple of metres but remained less than a metre in height. Eventually we decided it was a waste of space :-)
21 Apr, 2013
Or wanted a 'weeping' tree... We made that 'mistake' with a conifer which 'wept' beautifully for a good couple of metres but remained less than a metre in height. Eventually we decided it was a waste of space :-)
21 Apr, 2013
You can cut the top off them and they will bush out from lower down- I converted a damaged standard to a sphere this way, so maybe that's what the freecyclers would do.
22 Apr, 2013
Yes, pruning was the answer!
22 Apr, 2013
I guess I slipped up there then, I should have cut the top off as S. said.
25 Apr, 2013
Never mind Hank, you've made somebody else happy.
25 Apr, 2013
Thanks for that S, that's the way I should be looking at it
She did email and tell me she was absolutely delighted with it.
26 Apr, 2013
Great - a little thank you makes all the difference...
26 Apr, 2013
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Not really we all have different ideas as to what we want in our garden.
21 Apr, 2013